Friday, September 6, 2013


The day we have been waiting for since deciding to adopt our daughter finally arrived. Ryan and I woke up bright and early to get ready for the big event. We were picked up promptly at 8 am by our facilitator, and preceded to pick up the social worker from our daughter's orphanage and Miss A. We arrived to the courthouse at 9:30...and waited. And waited. And waited. I know that we had so many friends and families praying for us back home because Ryan and I were not nearly as nervous as I anticipated. 

At 10 am, the judge came out and told us to wait 30 more minutes. The jurors were not there yet (yes, we had 2 jurors who helped decide our fate), and court could not happen without them. At 10:45 we were finally ushered in to the judges chambers. 

I cannot go into much detail about court, but I can tell you that the 2 jurors, judge, prosecutor, inspector's representative, orphanage social worker, and court recorder were all present. The court hearing went very quickly, and we were told to wait outside while the judge and jurors deliberated. After a quick 3 minutes we were ushered back in and told YES!!!!! Everyone in the room was smiling, fighting back tears, and it was such an amazing moment. Ryan and I both shook the judges hand and A gave him a big hug after the verdict:) 

After court, several of the people in attendance went to one of our favorite local restaurants, Bordo, that was within walking distance of court, to have a celebration lunch. It was such a special meal. The coolest thing happened at lunch. The restaurant plays jazzy music in the background, and all of a sudden, a familiar song started playing. It was a Michael W. Smith song..."Above All". Here is the chorus:

Laid behind a stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all

You guys, how amazing is that? That during our celebration lunch, at a restaurant in Ukraine, a praise song came on in the midst of secular, jazzy songs. I had to fight back tears as I listened to the chorus. What a special reminder at such a special celebration. Our Savior died rejected and alone so that we do not have to. He loves us so much that he took on our sin and shame and thought of us as he was crucified. He thought of me. He thought of Ryan. He thought of you. He thought of A. He loved our sweet girl so much that He brought us halfway across the world and orchestrated each and every detail to bring us to that celebration lunch. He loved her so much that He didn't leave her as an orphan. He loved her so much that He gave her a family so that she didn't have to be alone. What a truly miraculous day this was!

As I type this, Ryan is on a plane back home. I am missing him terribly already! And as I type this, I have my precious daughter with me, spending the night under the same roof for the first time. We also have her sweet friend staying with us. I am trying to soak up each and every one of these sweet moments with her here, in her home country, surrounded by her sweet friends, before we leave in a few weeks. We are going to cram as much sight seeing in as we possibly can. A has to be away during the mornings and early afternoons, but we have from 2 pm-9 am to do whatever we want:) I am looking forward to this time of bonding for the 2 of us. 

I will never be able to thank each of you enough for covering us in pray on this most important day. Please pray for Ryan as he travels home by himself. Please pray that I can focus on enjoying this time here with A and not get too homesick now that Ryan is gone. Pray for us during this 10 day wait period, that no appeals are made and that we can proceed with no delays. 

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