Monday, September 23, 2013

Embassy/Medical Exam Part 1

Today Alona and I woke up to another cold, rainy day. Our first order of business was to go to the embassy to turn in some paperwork necessary for her Visa. We turned in her picture, got her fingerprinted, paid, and turned in as much of the paperwork as we could without having her passport. Everything went very smoothly...hooray! Up next was the medical exam.

The medical exam did not go as smoothly as the embassy. We were hoping to get everything done and over with today, so that as soon as we receive her passport, we can finish up at the embassy, get her visa, and head home. Apparently they are doing the x-rays a bit differently know, and are labeling them with the passport number. Not the birth certificate number, name, birthdate...all of which have...but the passport number...the ONE thing we don't have yet!!! Boo. 

At first we thought that we would not be able to do any parts of the medical exam, but thankfully, we completed everything except the x-ray, and will go back for the x-ray as soon as we get the passport. The passport is our biggest dilemma right now, and we desperately want to get it asap so that we can finish up and head home!! 

After the medical exam, Alona and I grabbed lunch at a little restaurant Ryan and I discovered earlier this month...Limonade. I was needing a little pick me up, and thankfully they had a very American dish on the menu...chicken sandwich and french fries. Yummy!!

After lunch we came home to rest since it was still cold and rainy. I took a little nap while Alona watched "A Walk to Remember" in Russian. When I woke up, I called home to check on my girls. I found out while at the medical exam that my 5 year old and 1 year old are both sick with pretty high fevers. It was my turn today to have a little breakdown. I HATE having sick babies at home and not being there to take care of them. I have been gone now for 3 1/2 weeks and I am beyond ready to kiss my girls sweet little faces and give them big hugs. I know my Mom and Ryan are doing an amazing job taking care of them in my absence, but children just need their Mama's when they are sick, and I am ready to be there with them again. 

After my little cry fest, Alona and I got back out to go buy a few little presents for our family back home. We visited St. Andrews Church which is totally breathtaking, and then I took her through the park with all of the crazy sculptures. We walked through St. Michael's Cathedral, and then grabbed dinner at the pizza place right up the street. 

Inside of St. Andrews

Gorgeous view outside of St. Andrews with the Dneiper River in the distance

Little Chapel with St. Andrews in the background

Alona hanging out with the silly cat

Interesting Playground!

 Do't worry..that is not a real blanket and pillow, although it is pretty convincing, isn't it?!?

Loved this view of the multicolored roofs below

Water faucet swings:)

Alona with St. Sophia's behind her

St. Michaels is beautiful at every angle

Alona taking in the views of the left bank

Delicious Pizza to end the evening

Tomorrow, we have a free day while we await the passport. Since we are right next to the Opera House, I decided to see what they had going on this week, and found out that Swan Lake Ballet was going to performed tomorrow night, so I bought us tickets! I am looking forward to seeing this with Alona.

Please pray that her passport will be on its way to us tomorrow. Please also pray that her x-ray will be perfectly clear so that we won't be held up at all on that end. Please also say a pray for my sick babies, and my Mom and Ryan as they take care of them. 

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him"
Psalm 62:5

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