Friday, August 2, 2013


I am writing this post because I know first hand it can make a difference. Not because of my own writing, but because of all of you. Let me explain. We first heard about our sweet girl on February 1 of this year. There was a short little facebook post written by a friend of my sister in law that simply stated that their newly adopted daughter was sad that her best friend was going to be left in Ukraine because time was running out for her. She would be 16 in a few short months, and at that point, she would not be available for adoption. I can't explain it, but as soon as I read it, I knew I had to reach out to them and find out as much as I could about this sweet girl. Later that afternoon, these sweet friends wrote a blog post about A. Once I read it, and saw her pictures, I was in 100%. Ryan took a little bit longer to commit...a whopping 48 hours ;) 

If it weren't for these sweet new friends of ours stepping out in hope and faith that their posts would somehow reach a family for A, then our sweet daughter would be facing a much darker future. And so, knowing that writing a little post can make a HUGE difference in an orphans life, I write this today on behalf of A's dear friend Anya. If you would be willing to share this post with your friends and family, please do! The more people that see Anya's face and hear about her, the more likely she is to find her forever family.

Meet Anya 

Anya is 14, and will turn 15 in November. She is a tiny little thing with bright, sparkly blue eyes, lots of freckles dotting her nose and cheeks, and beautiful blonde hair. She has no siblings, and is a true orphan...meaning she is available for adoption now. 

Anya has a quiet disposition, and is very thoughtful. She is a near constant companion of our daughters. She is very attentive, and nurturing. She would constantly fix our daughter's necklaces that we gave her to make sure they were not tangled. Because of these nurturing qualities, I feel that she would do well in a family with younger children. I feel that she would flourish in a family where she does not feel like she is in direct competition with a sibling her own age. Being a teenager can be difficult in any surroundings, and I feel that she would do well in a family where she can learn and grow at her own pace. With that being said, she loves her friends dearly, and would enjoy the company of children her own age socially. 

She is honest and works hard in school. She is shy around new people, but opens up quickly once she gets to know you and feels that she can trust you. Anya loves crafts, and is willing to explore and try new things. 

Anya would ask our translator every day while we were there, "Do you have a family for me too"? Even after we left to come home, on our daughter's birthday she asked our friend if she had a family for her. Would you please join me in praying for Anya and sharing her story? Let's not leave her as an orphan. She is a precious child that deserves all the love a family can give. If you would like more information, or to see more pictures of her, please email me 

"God sets the lonely in families" Psalm 68:6


  1. Shared on FB! Praying her family finds her!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing and for praying for sweet Anya!
