Monday, August 19, 2013

Yana and Diana

This summer, I had the privilege of watching a handful of my friends and family open their hearts and homes to precious Ukrainian Orphans for 6 weeks as part of a hosting program. It was such a blessing to me to see the people I am blessed to call friends, minister to these precious children. They took a step of faith, and poured love and life into their host children. These girls and boys got to witness firsthand what it means to be loved, cherished, cared for, and chosen....probably for the first time in their lives. 

These sweet kids were put back on a plane to Ukraine last week.  One of my friends hosted 2 adorable sisters, Yana and Diana. These girls also have a little sister, Tanya, who is too young to be hosted. My sweet friend fell in love with Yana and Diana, but due to having 4 little ones at home already, adding 3 more children to their family at this time is not possible. These girls long to return to America, and to be a part of a loving family. They adored being here this summer and flourished under the love and care they received. 

Here is what my friend has to say about Yana and Diana:

Yana (14) and Diana (8) are precious and sweet GIRLY girls!  They love crafts, nail polish, clothing, shoes, hair accessories, makeup, princess movies, and cats.
Yana acts younger than her age.  She has really interacted well with our young children because she enjoys playing outside and watching cartoons!  She is somewhat reserved and enjoys quiet time to herself so she can journal, draw, or read.  She also loves any needlework, especially embroidery.  Yana understands more English than she will admit although she is extremely shy about trying to speak it.  Yana is very appreciative of whatever she is given and never asks for anything extra. 
Diana is a very active 8 year old girl.  She is always outside looking for something to do even though it is almost 100 degrees.  She really enjoys doing gymnastics and would love to have the opportunity to try a real gymnastics class.  She also loves barbies, babydolls, and pretend play things.  Diana loves food especially fruits and vegetables.  She has so much fun picking out food at the grocery store and then going home to help cook them.  Diana is very timid about trying new things and needs much encouragement to help her overcome those fears. 
Both of the girls are really sweet with great manners.  Rarely have they shown any behavior that needed correction, but when that happened they quickly changed the behavior to fit with our house rules.  They enjoy whatever food is served with thankful hearts!  

They also have a 3 year old sister, Tanya, who lives in the orphanage with them.  

In my Bible reading today, I read John 4:35, which states, "I tell you open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest". Friends, there are so many orphans in this world, just waiting to be be loved, to belong, to be chosen. The harvest is ready, and the time is now! Could you be the family these sweet children are longing for? Please watch the video below that my dear friend made of Yana and Diana, and please share and  pray that they find a loving host family for winter hosting. If you have any questions, please email me,, or visit the link at the end of the video.

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